Our previous blog was about how employees are treated differently based on their training, skills, and work ethic. We emphasized the importance of having standards to align your team members to. Our poll question asked “Does your practice have written protocols / standards for critical processes?”
Here are the results:

This blog is going to be a little different as it is a personal anecdote but certainly relates to one of the most important aspects of your practice: Teamwork.
Last weekend, my wife heard strange sounds coming from my backyard where my three small dogs like to play. Not only did she hear them barking and growling, she heard an unfamiliar screeching noise. I was summoned out back to see what the commotion was about.

This weasel was in our backyard behind our wicker sofa. After seeing its reaction to my dogs, I now understand where the song “Pop Goes the Weasel” came from. The little Pomeranian, Willow, wanted to attack but I decided to put her in the house and give the weasel a chance to escape. The weasel saw the opportunity and ran over to the side of the house, only to get cornered again by all three of my dogs, just like a mini wolf pack. One on the right, one on the left, and one in front with the weasel backed into a wall. There was no way that the weasel could have gotten away unharmed. I had mixed emotions on the situation. On the one hand, I was proud of my little wolf pack and wanted to them get their reward, but I also felt obligated to intercede with this weasel’s apparent fate. I restrained the dogs just long enough for him to scoot though the fence into my neighbor’s yard. It amazed me to see this kind of teamwork from my dogs. Typically, they act more like dogs with individual interests than like wolf packs do. However on this day, their inner wolf came out and they acted as a mini-wolf pack reaching towards their common goal of getting rid of the little intruder.
Has this ever happened in your practice? Generally, employees do what they need to in order to keep the business going. They do their assignments, create production, and then get paid for their service. However, in a unique and stressful situation, whether it is a difficult patient, denied insurance claim, or something more serious, does your team should work together to ‘attack’ the problem? If the answer is “Yes”, then give yourself a pat on the back because your team is better than you think. If the answer is “No”, then there is more team to develop.
To participate in our poll, “During the last difficult situation in your practice, did your employees act as a team to solve the problem?”
The reason we are publishing these articles is so that your office can increase its success. We appreciate your feedback on how we can help you more and love it when you pass these articles along to other practice owners and office managers.
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